
POLL OF THE DAY: Do you support deportation of illegal migrants? – VOTE NOW

todaySeptember 1, 2024 3

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A new YouGov poll has revealed that the British public is increasingly in favour of tougher measures to tackle illegal immigration, with a clear majority supporting an increase in deportations.

Two-thirds of those polled (67 per cent) said they would either strongly or tend to support the government increasing deportations of illegal migrants.

According to the data, those polled are united across political lines, regions, and age groups in backing a more robust approach to dealing with those in the UK illegally.

Over 90 per cent of Tory supporters are in favour of ramping up deportations, with a significant majority (69 per cent) expressing strong support.

Labour voters are more divided, yet even among them, a slim majority of 52 per cent back the move, showing cross-party consensus on the issue.

Regional analysis shows high levels of support across the country, though the South of England and the Midlands are particularly in favour, with over 70 per cent backing the proposal.

Younger voters are less enthusiastic but still back the policy at a majority level, with 53 per cent of 18-24-year-olds in support compared to 76 per cent of over-65s.

On gender lines, men are slightly more supportive than women, with 72 per cent of men backing the idea versus 61 per cent of women.

Among social grades, higher-income households are slightly more likely to support increased deportations compared to lower-income groups, though both show clear majorities in favour.

The 14 per cent who are undecided or oppose the policy are largely younger and left-leaning voters.

With that in mind, do you support deportation of illegal migrants? Have your say.

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