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High levels of crime in an area can easily be spotted by heavy police presence, smashed windows and run-down neighbourhoods.
However, there are far more subtle signs that organised crime gangs could be undertaking criminal activity in an area to look out for.
For those looking to buy a home, it is particularly important to find out whether you are looking in a good neighbourhood or if there are signs of crime.
Below are 10 subtle tell-tale signs to pay attention to when scouting out an area to buy in.
Chalk markings are commonly used by burglars on homes to determine which properties are worth raiding.
These unrecognisable marks could turn up on pavements, driveways or other nearby surfaces.
A circle chalking means that a wealthy person is living in the house while a circle with a cross over it shows there is nothing worse than stealing. A cross indicates the property is an easy target.
Spray paint can also be used for these markings, most commonly in white or blue.
If you are looking in an area that has a lot of ‘For Sale’ signs it could be a sign that people are eager to leave the place.
According to experts, the number of ‘For Sale’ or ‘To Let’ signs outside homes correlates with the level of crime in that area.
A sign of crime in an area can sometimes be spotted by shoes which have been strung over telephone wires.
A popular theory about shoes being thrown over power lines is that they’re part of a system in which gangs mark their territory, or commemorate the death of a gang member who lived there.
A common tactic to sell drugs in an area is to stick QR codes on lampposts which direct buyers to online stores.
The QR code often leads to an online drug supermarket with false claims that these products are legal.
Drug and firearms expert Ian Broughton said: “These signs can include subtle – or not so subtle – business cards being left in public spaces, or even QR codes posted on lampposts.”
Cars with blacked-out windows or windows covered with towels or sunshades could be an indicator that the vehicle is being used for illegal activity in that area.
Often these cars will have people sitting in them for a long time during the day and will frequently return to the same address.
Trap houses are abandoned buildings taken over by criminal gangs to temporarily sell or manufacture drugs.
Signs that a house may be being used as a trap house include littering, frequent visitors arriving at unusual hours, suspicious vehicles outside the property and strange smells coming from the building.
Broughton said: “‘Increased footfall at odd hours, including people not from the area, and to particular addresses or locations can be an indication that gangs might be present in an area.”
A bad community will often not have enough basic infrastructure to maintain public fixtures including street lights.
Criminals will also commonly smash street lights so they can operate in darkness.
A good way to check out a neighbourhood is by visiting at night and checking for well-functioning street lights.
Another clear sign that criminal activity is common in an area is bars on doors and windows.
If there are many houses with bars on windows or an abundance of locks around a property this is a sign homes may be a magnet for crime.
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Similar to putting bars on windows, owners may construct fences around their homes to prevent strangers from trying to get in.
These fences may have signs like “Beware of Dog” or “No Trespassing” to try and deter burglars.
Gangs will often indicate their presence in a neighbourhood to other gangs through graffiti.
Broughton explained: “Gang-related symbols could be a sign of gang activity.
“Gangs like to lay claim over ‘their’ territory and sometimes will mark it as a warning to other gangs not to enter.”
Gang graffiti will usually consist of initials or symbols in the markings to identify the gang and crossed out initials could indicate a disrespecting rival gang.
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